Saturday, May 26, 2007

How to create a spellchecker ... that is the problem.

Considering that I need to write more and more often in Neapolitan, having a spell checker would be nice, but .... oh yes, that is a really big but ...

So you search for + spell checking in Google ... you reach a nice project page that leads you to Hunspell. Than you are there, you can download a bunch of files (that don't say anything about how to create such a dictionary) and you think ... well, let me look at Mozilla. So you go there: and you are redirected to OOo ... one project sends you to the other :-(

That is: you get into a nice cycle. No way to find out how a wordlist for such a spellchecker should look like or better be created. Maybe it should be obvious to the whole world on how to do that ... well it is not to me ... grrrrrrrrrr ...


Unknown said...

It's all here:

Although some things are complicated, so one should probably look at the existing files as examples.

SabineWanner said...

Hi Daniel,

thank you so much! That will help to create the structure :-)


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