Well ... the wood was VERY hard - the next loom will be built with a softer loom - for test purposes I used fairly thin wool.
All sorts of things - whatever is interesting to me. - Alle möglichen Sachen - alles, was mich interessiert. - Tante cose diverse - tutto quel che mi interessa.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Sausages with an Indian Flair - Würstchen indisch angehaucht
Well, I am writing down this recipe, so that I am able to make it again :-) These days I am testing some new recipes since I am changing my diet to lower amounts of carbohydrates. Actually I wanted to make this with meat, but since sausages were on offer ...
1 kg of sausages (cut in pieces)
1 butternut squash (cut in small pieces) - any other squash will do fine as well
1 kg onions (cut in half rings)
100 g butter
1 apple (cut in small pieces)
1 tsp. ginger (powder)
1 tsp. cumin (powder)
1 tsp. coriander (powder)
1 tsp. tumeric (powder)
3 tbsp. paprika (powder)
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. chili (powder or flakes)
Add all the spices in a bowl and add some water (that helps to distribute them evenly)
Fry the onions in butter for a couple of minutes.
Add the apple pieces and go ahead stirfying until the onions get some brownish parts.
Add the squash and stirfry some minutes.
Add the sausages and stirfry some minutes.
Add the mixture of spices and stir well.
Add two cups of water and cook on low fire until the squash is ready. (If needed, just add some more water).
Adjust to your taste with salt.
Serve with rice or just eat it as soup. (For further pictures, please see below).
Ich schreibe das Rezept auf, damit ich es noch einmal nachkochen kann :-) Im Moment probiere ich viele neue Rezepte aus, weil ich mein Essen insgesamt auf weniger Kohlenhydrate umstelle. Eigentlich wollte ich Fleisch verwenden, aber dann waren die Würstchen im Angebot ...
1 kg Würstchen (geschnitten)
1 Butternut- Kürbis (klein geschnitten) - man kann auch andere Kürbissorten verwenden
1 kg Zwiebeln (in halbe Ringe geschnitten)
100 g Butter
1 Apfel (klein geschnitten)
1 Tl Ingwer (Pulver)
1 Tl Kreuzkümmel (Pulver)
1 Tl Koriander (Pulver)
1 Tl Kurkuma (Pulver)
3 El Paprika (Pulver)
1 Tl Zitronensaft
1/2 Tl Chili (Pulver oder Flocken)
Alle Gewürze in eine kleine Schüssel geben und mit Wasser anrühren (so verteilen sie sich besser)
Die Zwiebeln ein paar Minuten in Butter anbraten.
Den Apfel hinzugeben und unter Rühren weiter braten, bis die Zwiebeln leicht bräunlich werden.
Den Kürbis hinzugeben und unter Rühren ein paar Minuten weiter braten.
Die Würstchen hinzugeben und unter Rühren ein paar Minuten weiter braten.
Die Gewürzmischung darüber geben.
Zwei Tassen Wasser hinzugeben und so lange köcheln lassen, bis der Kürbis gar ist. (Wenn nötig zusätzliches Wasser nachgießen).
Nach eigenem Geschmack salzen.
Mit Reis servieren oder einfach als Suppe essen. (Weitere Bilder unten).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Not enough time to get everything done
Hi all, I am sorry for not being here frequently enough to keep things going. I will try to keep posts coming again. I hope it will work out fine. LIke you can see from the picture, also my garden needs more work ... at least I have the kale growing and I can still harvest swiss chard, some small pumpkins, magenta spreen, amaranth, some tomatoes, carrots ... all bit by bit.
Maybe I should just get photos going, even just adding some hashtags and without text ... hmmm ...
Maybe I should just get photos going, even just adding some hashtags and without text ... hmmm ...
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Quote by Nicola Tesla on the Secrets of the Universe
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. (Nicola Tesla)
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