All sorts of things - whatever is interesting to me. - Alle möglichen Sachen - alles, was mich interessiert. - Tante cose diverse - tutto quel che mi interessa.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Cat & Snow ...
Brrrrr ... too cold outside.
Well ... and what do you want?
Oh look, something is moving ... (and the cold suddelny doesn't feel cold anymore).
Socks from Coburg Fox Wool
Socks made from 2-ply Coburg Fox wool, following a pattern used around 1860 - purl two, knit one ... I almost forgot to take a picture before I sent them ... now let's see if this meets some thoughts and specifications and if my calculations for the size are correct ...
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Geschenkbandrecycling 2
Hier: breites Ringelgeschenkband, verhäkelt mit einer Häkelnadel Stärke 12. Werden soll es letztendlich eine Einkaufstasche ... sobald wieder gebrauchte Geschenkbänder da sind wird weitergemacht.
Geschenkbandrecycling 1
Hier: schmales Ringelgeschenkband, verhäkelt mit einer Häkelnadel Stärke 6,5. Werden soll es letztendlich eine Einkaufstasche ... sobald wieder gebrauchte Geschenkbänder da sind wird weitergemacht.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
International Mother Language Day Celebration 2015
Concept note
Theme: Inclusion in and through education: Language counts
Description: 2015 will be the year for stock taking around international education goals. It is
therefore being proposed that the theme for IMLD 2015 focus on one of the main challenges that
cuts across many of the goals, i.e. Inclusion (equity/quality)
As the EFA Goals are far from attained due, in part, to the difficulties of reaching the worst-off
segments of the population, the debate around language and education becomes more central.
Linguistic minorities are often among the most marginalized populations, with little or poor access
to quality education. When they do have access to education, learners from these communities are
often either excluded from opportunities to pursue their educational career beyond primary or
pushed out of education because the language of instruction is not their own.
If the international community wishes to achieve education for all girls and boys in the near future,
more appropriate approaches to language education will have to be promoted and implemented.
For UNESCO, “appropriate language education” is fundamental to enable learners to benefit from
quality education, learn throughout life, and have access to information. This is possible if there
is an approach to language education that promotes the use of at least three languages: one of
which should be a mother tongue or first language (c.f.: the standard set by UNESCO in its
position paper, Education in a Multilingual World).
Language education can also be seen as a means to ensure that down the road learners
participate as global citizens, acting for change at both the local and global levels.
The presentations and discussions foreseen on the occasion of IMLD 2015 will seek to
demonstrate that quality language education (and multilingual education in particular) is an
effective means to ensure inclusion in and through education and build global citizens.
If undertaken appropriately, it can equip learners with the language skills they need to contribute
proactively to their societies creating a more peaceful, inclusive and sustainable world. Language
education also offers a framework for transmitting values and knowledge that strengthen a sense
of belonging to both local and global communities, which are the starting point of civic
But much remains to be done to make sure language education does generate such returns.
During the celebration of mother Language Day 2015 we will review the challenges to the
implementation of “appropriate language education” and highlight examples of good practices
in this area, which can inspire Member States and partners to support its development and use.
Theme: Inclusion in and through education: Language counts
Description: 2015 will be the year for stock taking around international education goals. It is
therefore being proposed that the theme for IMLD 2015 focus on one of the main challenges that
cuts across many of the goals, i.e. Inclusion (equity/quality)
As the EFA Goals are far from attained due, in part, to the difficulties of reaching the worst-off
segments of the population, the debate around language and education becomes more central.
Linguistic minorities are often among the most marginalized populations, with little or poor access
to quality education. When they do have access to education, learners from these communities are
often either excluded from opportunities to pursue their educational career beyond primary or
pushed out of education because the language of instruction is not their own.
If the international community wishes to achieve education for all girls and boys in the near future,
more appropriate approaches to language education will have to be promoted and implemented.
For UNESCO, “appropriate language education” is fundamental to enable learners to benefit from
quality education, learn throughout life, and have access to information. This is possible if there
is an approach to language education that promotes the use of at least three languages: one of
which should be a mother tongue or first language (c.f.: the standard set by UNESCO in its
position paper, Education in a Multilingual World).
Language education can also be seen as a means to ensure that down the road learners
participate as global citizens, acting for change at both the local and global levels.
The presentations and discussions foreseen on the occasion of IMLD 2015 will seek to
demonstrate that quality language education (and multilingual education in particular) is an
effective means to ensure inclusion in and through education and build global citizens.
If undertaken appropriately, it can equip learners with the language skills they need to contribute
proactively to their societies creating a more peaceful, inclusive and sustainable world. Language
education also offers a framework for transmitting values and knowledge that strengthen a sense
of belonging to both local and global communities, which are the starting point of civic
But much remains to be done to make sure language education does generate such returns.
During the celebration of mother Language Day 2015 we will review the challenges to the
implementation of “appropriate language education” and highlight examples of good practices
in this area, which can inspire Member States and partners to support its development and use.
Merry Christmas - Frohe Weihnacht - Froa Weihnochdn - Buon Natale
I wish all my friends and family a wonderful Christmas and holidaytime!
Lieba Freund unn Familie, iich wünsch Euch a werglich schöns Weihnachdn unn a schöna fesdlicha Zeid während dii Rauhn Nächd!
Liebe Freunde und Familie, ich wünsche Euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, eine schöne festliche Zeit während der rauhen Nächte!
Auguri di buon Natale a tutti gli amici e alla mia famiglia e un bel periodo durante questi giorni di festività!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Die Rauhnächte … ein Ritual
Bald ist es so weit, die Zeit der Rauhnächte beginnt. Man
findet unterschiedliche Aussagen, was das genaue Datum angeht. Ich gehe von der
Logik her davon aus, dass die Rauhnächte mit der Wintersonnwende beginnen, also
in der Nacht vom 20. auf den 21. Dezember und mit Neujahr, also in der Nacht
vom 31. Dezember auf den 1. Januar enden.
Dieses Jahr habe ich einen „Kochtopf“, eine Nachbildung eines
Kugelkochtopfs aus Novogorod aus dem 11. Jahrhundert, als Tauschobjekt erhalten,
den wir als Ort zum Verbrennen der Wunschzettel verwenden werden.
Jetzt ist die Zeit, um diese Wunschzettel zu schreiben. 13
an der Zahl. Sie werden zusammengefaltet, so dass sie nicht mehr
auseinandergehalten werden können. Wir bewahren sie, jeder für sich, in einem
Gefäß auf und in jeder Rauhnacht wird dann ein Zettel verbrannt. Damit wird der
Wunsch der geistigen Welt übergeben. Während das geschieht, sollte man die
Umgebung auf sich wirken lassen und die Eindrücke in sich aufnehmen. Die Asche
wird dann der Erde übergeben und wir danken den Elementen für die Hilfe.
Der zwölfte Zettel wird in der Nacht vom 31. Dezember auf
den 1. Januar verbrannt. Dann bleibt nur noch ein Zettel übrig und dieser wird
in der folgenden Nacht vom 1. auf den 2. Januar geöffnet – das ist dann unser Auftrag,
diesen Wunsch müssen wir uns selbst durch unser Zutun erfüllen.
Man findet viele Informationen zu den Rauhnächten im Netz,
von Wikipedia zu privaten Blogs … schaut Euch doch einfach mal um. Jeder kann
seinen eigenen Weg finden … und ganz gewiss: jeder Weg ist anders.
Wie schon gesagt, habe ich meinen Topf als Tauschgeschenk
erhalten, aber ich habe auch erfahren, wer ihn ursprünglich hergestellt hat:
Ilja Frenzel – Ihr könnt ja mal bei ihm auf der Website stöbern:
Das Original kann man hier bewundern:
Monday, December 15, 2014
Wolle färben mit Lebensmittelfarben
Friday, December 12, 2014
Monday, December 08, 2014
Why save a language?
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
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