Los médicos de este centro hospitalario pueden comunicarse, gracias a este sistema, en tiempo real con pacientes que hablen inglés, árabe, chelja, alemán y francés. - El servicio de traducción telefónica simultánea, puesto en marcha por el complejo hospitalario Carlos Haya de Málaga a finales de 2004, ha atendido ya 585 traducciones en inglés, árabe, chelja (idioma hablado fundamentalmente en el norte de África), alemán y francés.
La Policía Municipal de Madrid 'habla' idiomas - Los agentes locales cuentan desde este verano con un sistema pionero de traducción para atender a los turistas extranjeros en su propia lengua.
Chiesa, quando Matteo Ricci tradusse Confucio in latino - La storia del gesuita che voleva globalizzare le culture: nel 1594 portò a termine quella che per l'epoca fu una vera e propria impresa culturale
AAA Translation Selects Shafer Communications as its Public Relations Agency of Record - As AAA Translation expands to meet growing needs of the global marketplace, Shafer Communications will create comprehensive public relations program to support client's growth.
Road sign leaves Welsh-speakers bewildered - Welsh-speaking cyclists have been left baffled - and possibly concerned for their health - after a bizarre translation mix-up.
Dollar Renta Car Launches License Translation Service in Japan - Dollar Rent A Car, a subsidiary of Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. (NYSE: DTG) today announced a new driver's license translation service for its Japanese customers traveling to the United States.
Language Weaver to Demonstrate Integration of Automated Translation into Homeland Security Support Applications at Intelink Conference - Language Weaver, a leading software company developing enterprise software for the automated translation of human languages, today announced it will demonstrate multiple applications where automated language translation has been integrated with communications programs that help the homeland security and U.S. defense efforts.
Ukrainian PM confirms his stance on Russian language issue - Ukraine's PM Viktor Yanukovich told journalists in Sochi today, that the Russian language would be granted status of the second national language in Ukraine as soon as the coalition secures a majority in the Supreme Rada.
LanguageScape.com Helps Companies and Individuals Bridge Language Barriers and Expand Their Global Reach - BOSTON, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- EditAvenue Incorporated today announced the launch of http://www.LanguageScape.com, an online marketplace for translation services, to help both companies and individuals translate documents into any language.
Verbalplanet.com Launches the World’s First Global Online Language Tuition Marketplace - United Kingdom (PRWEB) August 16, 2006 -- Verbalplanet.com is a global marketplace for online language tuition services, enabling language tutors to sell their services online and interact with language learners across the globe.
Sorenson opens new sign-language interpreting centers across U.S. - Sorenson Communications has opened 17 new video relay service interpreting centers for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals throughout the United States, the company said Tuesday.
Monterey's Language Line shrinks Q2 loss to $2.9M - Language Line Holdings Inc. on Monday reported a second quarter loss of $2.9 million, about 12 percent lower than its loss of $3.3 million in the year-ago period.
Language no issue in Chinese venues - Much has changed in China since President Richard M. Nixon's historic visit in 1972. As you walk down a street and see McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks and Victoria's Secret, you may think you are in New York, Los Angeles or Chicago rather than Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou.
Doctors Look To VoIP To Bridge Language Barriers - A creative use of voice and video over IP is helping three California hospitals overcome increasingly common language barriers between doctors and patients.
Views sought on boosting Gaelic - Scotland's first ever National Plan for Gaelic has gone out for public consultation.
Wiradjuri Language resource launch - Parkes Shire library has acquired a number of books and CDs which form a Wiradjuri Language resource. The collection consists of a Wiradjuri Dictionary and kits on learning Wiradjuri and Wiradjuri language songs for children of all ages.
Mehr Effizienz durch klare und freundliche Sprache - Das "Handbuch Bürgerkommunikation" verdankt seine Entstehung dem Projekt "Verständliche Verwaltung", das von der Stadtverwaltung Arnsberg in Angriff genommen wurde.
Duden-Redaktion gibt Google nach - Sprache contra Markenschutz: Die Redaktion des Duden hat die Definition des Verbs "googeln" geändert.
Spracherkennung: Immer präziser, immer effizienter - (pd) Computerprogramme, die Sprache in Text umwandeln, werden immer besser. Vor allem Krankenhäuser, Ärzte und Juristen nutzen Softwarelösungen zur digitalen Spracherkennung.
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse erweitern den Freundeskreis - Fremdsprachen zu beherrschen ist hilfreich - Mischlingshund Alex erklärt warum...
Eine Studie zeigt die sprachlichen Trends für das kommende Jahr - Die Slogans der deutschen Werbung werden kürzer, einfacher, deutschsprachiger und auffordernder. Medienbeobachter von Slogans.de und Trendbüro Hamburg vergleichen die Merkmale Wortwahl, Wortart, Wortanzahl, Worthäufigkeit, Wortverwendung, Satzbau, Satzart, Satzeichen und verwendete Sprache.
Sechsfachsuche für Firefox - Der "Feuerfuchs" gilt zunehmend als Kult-Browser. Die Popularität des Gratis-Programms zeigt sich auch an der hohen Zahl der Plugins, die inzwischen im Web zu haben sind. Die Definero-Toolbar spendiert gleich sechs nützliche Suchroutinen.
Quand la traduction fait passer les vessies pour des cyclistes - Par la faute d'une erreur de traduction, les cyclistes abordant un rond-point très fréquenté au Pays de Galles sont avertis par un panneau d'une «irritation de la vessie» en lieu et place d'un avis leur conseillant de descendre de vélo.
Translators Selling on eBay - Lately I’ve seen a number of translators selling their services on eBay (Germany). Personally I think that eBay is not the best place to sell ...
All sorts of things - whatever is interesting to me. - Alle möglichen Sachen - alles, was mich interessiert. - Tante cose diverse - tutto quel che mi interessa.
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Die Musik wirkt wie die Sonne, die alle Blumen des Feldes mit ihrem Strahlen zum Leben erweckt. ( Khalil Gibran ) Image by Pete Linforth fr...

It is approximately a year ago when there was the first translated article on Wikipedia that was paid for. The idea then was to create a t...
There are many dictionaries around and there is no real central place for them because they are under different licenses and some are propri...
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