Be' non poteva non succedere prima o poi: qualcuno aggredisce Wikipedia di fare marketing virale. A mio avviso una stupidagine vera e propria, perché poi anche le pagine su Ferrari, Fiat, Armani, Pc-Man (tuttora in commercio sotto varie forme) ecc. sarebbero da considerare tale. L'unica cosa che wikipedia ha di fronte alle enciclopedie "cartacee" o "normali": è molto più veloce, be' wiki significa proprio quello: veloce. Gli altri magari aspettano anni prima di inserire una nuova voce - su Wikipedia questo succede immediatamente, cioè poi quando qualcuno ritiene quel argomento "interessante" e ne vuole e può scrivere.
Ecco l'articolo incriminante:
A parte che su wikipedia è stato già modificato più volte la'articolo e quindi la nota di Shen Ming Xuan sulla lista di discussione in italiano sul "che cosa può succedere ad un articolo su wikipedia" ormai si è avverata:
"Non credo che questa forma di "pubblicità occulta" sia interessante per le grandi e medie aziende: affinchè non venga rimosso quasi immediatamente, il messaggio dovrebbe essere molto pacato, senza esagerazioni o slogan. E non ci sarebbe nessuna garanzia che resti com'è e non venga modificato o addirittura stravolto da successivi interventi. Sarebbe troppo aleatorio, e il tentativo potrebbe perfino ritorcersi contro di loro, provocando (come mi pare sia successo per la BBC che di sicuro non ci fa una gran figura) un contraccolpo mediatico negativo. Insomma rischierebbero molto più di quanto potrebbero guadagnare. No, non credo ci sia da preoccuparsi molto... "
Quello che fa l'autore dell'articolo su è proprio quello che lui stesso ufficialmente disprezza: e lui che fa "sapere" che esiste questo articolo. Con la quantità di articoli presenti su wikipedia di fatti è improbabile che si vede proprio quell'articolo nelle "Ultime modifiche" (Recent changes). Quindi chi è il vero autora del viral marketing in questo caso è l'autore dell'articolo: Antonio Dini, che punta l'attenzione dei suoi lettori proprio su quella pagina. A proposito il link a BoingBoing e l'articolo originale in inglese (che a mio avviso dovrebbe essere quello che ha fatto conoscere quella pagina al pubblico) non funziona.
Wikipedia funziona - l'articolo è stato adattato e hanno votato per la permanenza. Credo che ne abbiano anche discusso sul chat Wikipedia in inglese - solitamente lo fanno (e se no, pazienza).
È un peccato che non c'è l'opzione "commenta questo articolo" sul sito. L'avrei fatto volentieri.
Buona giornata!
All sorts of things - whatever is interesting to me. - Alle möglichen Sachen - alles, was mich interessiert. - Tante cose diverse - tutto quel che mi interessa.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
wkimania (1) and other stuff
original posting on:
This week wikimania will take place ... five days. I really would have liked to go there, but it was not possible - the twins, my husband working and of course I am working as well. So at a certain stage I told myself that in the end I can help with translations and participate that way.
Then, some days ago talking with SJ he asked me if I could help with the organising of the translations. Aphaia who did a real good job cannot go ahead. So of course I said I could ... now I am here with a list of translators who are so great people and told me that they are going to help me with this very particular job. It is a non-profit job for all of us. The list of translators helping is not yet complete - I'll do this or late this night or tomorrow evening, but who would already like to take a look can do this here:
Of course if you want to participate you can do this anytime, just let me know writing to
But back to the organisation - for now I don't have a clue of which rhythm there will be, how much work will come over and how we can cover all translations and possibly also proof reading. All that just before the event ... yes, I am getting a bit nervous. I'll keep you updated here.
Besides that there were some great news related to ultimate wiktionary, but how could I write all that in such a short time? This is difficult, really... maybe I'll just wait a bit and tell step by step - anyway there will be hundreds of news during the next days.
We are also very curious to which extend we will be able to co-operate with Logos (
Another thing that happened during the last days had to do with nds (Low Saxon in English if I remember well) - people on that wiktionary have a problem with a list that was created out of texts by Werner and that I wanted to upload there.
Now since they had these problems with me I decided to add Italian to the translations and simply upload it to the Italian wiktionary. I am also in contact with the Institut für niederdeutsche Sprache - they will in some way help me to categorise the words we have and of course add more content to the list we already have.
Ciao for now!
Sabine Cretella
This week wikimania will take place ... five days. I really would have liked to go there, but it was not possible - the twins, my husband working and of course I am working as well. So at a certain stage I told myself that in the end I can help with translations and participate that way.
Then, some days ago talking with SJ he asked me if I could help with the organising of the translations. Aphaia who did a real good job cannot go ahead. So of course I said I could ... now I am here with a list of translators who are so great people and told me that they are going to help me with this very particular job. It is a non-profit job for all of us. The list of translators helping is not yet complete - I'll do this or late this night or tomorrow evening, but who would already like to take a look can do this here:
Of course if you want to participate you can do this anytime, just let me know writing to
But back to the organisation - for now I don't have a clue of which rhythm there will be, how much work will come over and how we can cover all translations and possibly also proof reading. All that just before the event ... yes, I am getting a bit nervous. I'll keep you updated here.
Besides that there were some great news related to ultimate wiktionary, but how could I write all that in such a short time? This is difficult, really... maybe I'll just wait a bit and tell step by step - anyway there will be hundreds of news during the next days.
We are also very curious to which extend we will be able to co-operate with Logos (
Another thing that happened during the last days had to do with nds (Low Saxon in English if I remember well) - people on that wiktionary have a problem with a list that was created out of texts by Werner and that I wanted to upload there.
Now since they had these problems with me I decided to add Italian to the translations and simply upload it to the Italian wiktionary. I am also in contact with the Institut für niederdeutsche Sprache - they will in some way help me to categorise the words we have and of course add more content to the list we already have.
Ciao for now!
Sabine Cretella
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