Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Once there was a time ...

... without the so-called Social Media. We got up, had breakfast, did our work, were not continuously "connected". Well, maybe we were connected in a different way.

It was the time of chatting via IRC on various topics, the time of mailing lists for discussion among colleagues, a time of politeness with enough time. We simply went our way.

We are the creators - how can we be the creators if we are continuously overloaded with contents that is often negative? In marketing we do know it well: "only give positive messages". That is, the sentence has to be without negation. Some concentration is necessary to reach this goal.

Global warming, global cooling, climate change ... they are all children of the same father: they install fear in people. Plastics, glyphosate etc. - our attention is kept onto exactly these topics.

But what if we simply concentrate on what we want, leaving out all the negativeness? Isn't the result the same, if not better?

One example: What if we buy apples in their natural form and just avoid to underline that "we do not want plastic"? Our brain does understand "we do want plastic", the negation is not perceived. Therefore we must be very aware of what we express and how we do it.

Mark 11:24 (World English Bible)
Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them.

Praying has a lot to do with emotion. It does not matter if you are Christian or whatever or do not believe in any god. Your "prayer", if loaded with emotion and created with the right words, will move the universe.

What does "being awaken" really mean? It means that you are aware of the fact that you are a creator. You maybe believe it is "knowing what goes wrong in the world" - well ... what goes wrong in the world is thanks to the many thoughts exactly about the things that go wrong.

We are kept busy with stuff instead of freeing our mind and time to get the necessary things going in a positive way.

We are dimensional beings ... we are creators.

Bild von / Image by Николай Оберемченко - Pixabay

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